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Read, Run, Ramble

I'm just a girl on a mission - a mission to read many books, run (walk) many miles and ramble about it all! 


My main blog is on Tumblr, and I also have companion Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads pages.

A couple of recent reads ...

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak The Scent of Rain and Lightning: A Novel - Nancy Pickard

I finished these two books in the past few days. Not sure if I’ll write full reviews on one, the other, both, or neither, but I did want to post real quick with a few brief thoughts on each book.


Two very different reads, but both great.


The Book Thief is a heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, but fan-freaking-tastic read. A fictional representation of Hitler’s reign and the Nazi impact. A unique narrator and beautiful writing really bring the events to life. 


Zusak transports readers right into the thick of Nazi Germany, but he does so under the cover of death who is the narrator. And if you think that sounds wonky, well, it is, but it is absolutely perfect and poetic in this book!


* ebook borrowed from the Johnson County, KS Public Library.


As for The Scent of Rain and Lightning, I’ve wanted to read Pickard for a while now. She’s a local author, the setting is a small town in KS (I’m a small town KS girl), and I’ve heard great reviews.


I wasn’t disappointed. Pickard grabbed me from the beginning in this one and she really never let go. The suspense and the pace really keep readers on their toes. I had a couple of guesses throughout the read, but turns out I was way wrong!!


* Paperback purchased from the Half-Price Book Store.


I will definitely be grabbing more books by both of these authors soon!

Awake by Natasha Preston

Awake - Natasha Preston

Title: Awake
Natasha Preston
YA Fiction
Sourcebooks Fire
Publication Date:
August 4, 2015
egalley via Netgalley




My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


My Review (originally posted at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Sourcebooks Fire via Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book!


The email I received from Netgalley called Awake a “high-stakes thriller”. I’m with ‘em on that – definitely high stakes and keeps the heart pumping!


Scarlett has no memories before the age 4. I’ll admit, the story lost me a little here. Do ANY of us have memories prior to age 4??? I honestly have very little memories of my younger years so when Scarlett announced this supposed weird thing about herself to the new guy, Noah, I was less than impressed. Maybe if she had no memories prior to age 10 or something, I would have bought it, but trying to make the loss of memories from a person’s first 4 years dramatic was not effective for me.


Moving on to the romance aspect. I’m good with it. I’ve seen a few reviews negatively review it as “insta-love” which IS really popular right now in YA and non-YA romantic stories; however, I felt like Preston really nailed the teenage, angsty, quick-to-fall romance here. Think about the first time you fell for someone. It probably happened much quicker than you’d recommend to your older self, right? Same here. Noah and Scarlett are pretty typical of teen love in my opinion and Preston’s handling of it was smooth and fun to read.


How about we talk a little about Eternal Light? Super creepy and thrilling ride there. I think the author had a great storyline going. The writing, especially/mostly the dialogue, was a little choppy to me at times. I found myself wondering who had just spoken often, but usually figured it all out in a couple seconds. All-in-all, it wasn’t a deal breaker. I still enjoyed the story and like I mentioned in the beginning, it is definitely one that will get the heart pumping.


So, if you’re looking for something a little different, check this one out. The cult angle is definitely new and the author gives readers a lot to ponder while reading this one.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

Love Lies Beneath by Ellen Hopkins

Love Lies Beneath: A Novel - Ellen Hopkins

Title: Love Lies Beneath
Ellen Hopkins
Dark Romance
Atria Books
Publication Date:
July 21, 2015
egalley via Netgalley




My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


My Review (originally posted at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Atria Books via Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book!


I’m so torn here. I enjoyed some of the book, but some I very much didn’t like. Additionally, I love Hopkins’s books for the most part. It is always hard when I read a book by a favorite author and it doesn’t wow me.


Tara, our main character/protagonist, is supposed to be a strong and independent woman. She’s very intelligent, good looking, and basically a hard ass; however, she lets the antagonists of the book walk ALL over her. Some things are forgivable because she’s “in love” for probably one of the first and only times in her life, but these guys go above and beyond in their lying and weird, unexplainable behavior. I ended up being less than impressed with Tara and that was disappointing because she had potential.


Next up would be the sex scenes. They were completely not my style. Nothing above or beyond that – just not for me, but I’m sure many will be perfectly fine with them.


Let me talk about the good – the mystery and intrigue. Loved all the twists and turns which were fun and kept me turning pages. There was so much going on and so many thing that I just HAD.TO.KNOW – loved it. And, of course, there’s Ellen’s writing which I think is always fabulous.


BUT (there’s that nasty little word again), it ends with basically no resolution. Readers get one more bomb of info at the end and then it all just stops. I get that there may be a sequel, but that isn’t enough for me. There wasn’t enough here for me to move on with the story. There are a few assumptions one can make, but way too many loose ends for my liking.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson

Ms. Marvel Volume 1: No Normal - G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona

Super fun and I'm excited that Ms. Marvel is both a young woman and Muslim; however, this could have been SO.MUCH.MORE. We're getting some diversity in our super heroes so let's really take it somewhere, ya know! This one hinged a bit more on stereotypes than I expected (or even wanted). I'm moving on in the series and hope that Kamala gets the depth she deserves in later editions!

To Read or Not to Read, That Is Always the Question!



Back in February I wrote this blog post about Go Set a Watchman. Now that the book is out, I think I've made my decision. I don't want to read the book. 


Anyone here read it? What are your thoughts? I have not heard very good things about the book and some of what I've heard really supports the notion that this book was not really publication ready (it was originally denied by publishers) and I just feel like some very greedy folks forced a situation that shouldn't have been forced.


It doesn't really matter what I think or feel, but for now, that's why I'm not buying it or even picking it up at the library for that matter. I honestly have no desire to read it any longer.

Love May Fail by Matthew Quick

Love May Fail - Matthew Quick

Title: Love May Fail
Matthew Quick
Contemporary Fiction
Publication Date: 
June 16, 2015
egalley via Edelweiss




My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


My Review (originally posted at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, HarperCollins via Edelweiss for providing me with a copy of this book!


Another quirky, character-driven novel by Quick!!


Portia Kane – she’s a self-proclaimed feminist so how’d she end up married to sleazy pornographer? She had great ambitions – ambitions of being a published author so why has she never even tried to write a word?


Mr. Vernon – he’s high school teacher who leads outside the box and loves his students so how’d he end up beaten and broken living basically as a hermit with only his little dog?


These are our main characters, but there’s also Chuck, Chuck’s sister and nephew, and Portia’s mom who all get varying levels of attention in the book.


So we again have some very special characters, which is why I love Quick’s books. However, though these characters are just as special as his others, they and their stories ended up being a little more predictable than I’ve come to expect of Quick characters and stories. This simple fact really threw me because usually if I think I know what Quick has coming next, I’m wrong – totally wrong!


The story (or stories actually – lots going on in this book) is a good one. Heart-breaking and redemptive all at once and it is enjoyable. Love May Fail invokes tears and laughter alike as readers have likely come to expect from this author’s tales.


So, final verdict? If you have read and loved Quick’s books in the past, this may not be your favorite; however, it is still a good book and deserves a read!


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

The Third Wife by Lisa Jewell

The Third Wife: A Novel - Lisa Jewell

Title: The Third Wife
Lisa Jewell
Contemporary Fiction
Atria Books
Publication Date: 
June 09, 2015
egalley provided by Netgalley




My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars


My Review (originally posted at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Atria Books via Netgalley, for providing me with a copy of this book!


Maya is Adrian’s third wife. She’s much younger than him and his other two wives, and their relationship began as an affair while he was still married to wife #2. Adrian is addicted to love - the excitement and fun that comes with a new relationship. One that isn’t bogged down by commitment, routine, responsibility, and other such bothersome traits.


This addiction is how he managed to create his little family. A family that still vacations together, has regular dinners together and generally goes about life together. Yep, all three wives and each of the children from his previous two marriages interact on a daily basis. However, can a family steeped in so much drama really be functional and without its problems? The answer to that is, NO; just as one would expect!


The story begins with a flair – Maya stumbles off (or maybe purposely steps off) the curb in front of a bus and is killed. What unravels after should have left me unable to put the book down, but it didn’t. After hitting us hard with a pretty huge event in the beginning, the author then takes a very slow stroll through both the days following the accident and the days prior to it, often going into details that feel wholly unnecessary. In the end and with hindsight, readers will be able to fit all of those details in and understand, but it doesn’t make wading through them any more enjoyable at the time. The first couple of chapters and the last couple were the few chapters I enjoyed.


With such a personal story, connection to the characters would be normal, but I never felt one…with any of them. Actually, I quite disliked most of the characters, especially the protagonist, Adrian. If I’m being honest, I didn’t even like Maya, the “victim”.


I didn’t love this one and I didn’t hate it. I am infinitely glad I finished it (I considered, on more than one occasion, giving up), but also glad to be done (I know, that sounds horrible). I have read one other book by Jewell and I definitely will read others; this one just didn’t happen to be for me.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

Safe Distance by Megan Green

— feeling excited
Safe Distance - Megan Green

Title: Safe Distance
Megan Green
Megan Green
Publication Date:
 June 23, 2015
egalley provided by author




My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


My Review (originally posted at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Megan Green, for providing me with a copy of this book!


Megan Green knocked her debut out of the park!


Haylee and Ryan find each other when neither is really ready or able to commit to a relationship. But like in all good relationships, “love” didn’t ask for their approval before moving right in.


Haylee has been hurt and though she’s not giving up details, readers will know immediately that whatever took place left a deep scar. Even making friends is hard for her now.


Ryan is in the Army. He is set to deploy again in just a few weeks. He knows, first hand, how devastating life can become to those left behind after the death of a loved one, and he’s determined not to be put in a situation to leave someone behind.


Both had rocky childhoods and found their salvation in close friends who loved them and cared for them through the pain and the hardship (hello Chris and Amanda – two most awesome supporting characters ever).


Being thrust together in friendship could be the best thing that’s ever happened to them or the worst, the choice is entirely up to them and Green takes them through that discovery, with all its tears, laughter, and confusion expertly. Her writing is on point and for a debut, Indie author that is huge in my opinion.  I felt this novel – felt it in my core. I sobbed (not cried…SOBBED), and I did it more than once. Green poured Haylee and Ryan out on the pages of her book. She left every bit of them out there for readers and I guarantee their presence can be felt.


Likewise, her supporting characters don’t disappoint. While not as ever-present as Haylee and Ryan, they are still poured out on the page, in living color, for us as readers. I don’t think one can walk away from this book without feeling connected to several (maybe all) of these characters. Seriously, we all need an Earl and Gordon in our lives (just wait until you get there…you’ll agree)!


This is a sweet, tender, funny, and often gut-wrenching love story filled with brokenness and surprises. Readers will enjoy this story and walk away with a little Haylee and Ryan (and supporting cast) imprinted on their hearts.


So, what are you waiting for? GO BUY IT!!


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher or author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

Job U by Nicholas Wyman

Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need - Nicholas Wyman

Title: Job U: How to Find Wealth and Success by Developing the Skills Companies Actually Need

Author: Nicholas Wyman

Genre: Non-Fiction/Self-Help

Publisher: Crown Business

Publication Date: January 13, 2015

Format: Paperback via Blogging for Books




My rating: 3 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Crown Business via Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book!


I found this book just as our family was discussing upcoming plans for my son who will enter his junior year in High School next fall. It is clear that the traditional route is probably not the one that is best for him.


Job U offers several examples of non-traditional paths out there along with many real-life examples. I found the examples helpful, but much of the book felt as if Wyman was trying to convince the reader that the traditional route really is a bit outdated and not as helpful as it once was. For someone not already convinced of this fact, that information is probably helpful; however, for me, it just slowed the book down because I’ve already arrived at that conclusion (and didn’t need any convincing).


If you or a family member are looking for alternatives to a 4-year college degree or maybe looking to reinvent yourself, I’d say pick this book up. The examples and non-traditional path information are helpful as well as inspiring. You may find YOUR path right here in this book!


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

The Status of All Things by Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke

The Status of All Things: A Novel - Lisa Steinke, Liz Fenton

Title: The Status of All Things

Author: Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Publisher: Washington Square Press

Publication Date: June 2, 2015

Format: egalley via Edelweiss




My rating: 4 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Simon & Schuster via Edelweiss for providing me with an early copy of this book!


The Status of All Things is perfect in our social media-driven world. Imagine re-imaging your life based on Facebook posts!!


Kate and Max are getting married…in HAWAII!! But, Max drops a bombshell on the eve of the wedding (at the rehearsal dinner no less) and Kate, being tied to her social media accounts, immediately turns there to voice some frustration. Doing so turns out to impact real life in ways Kate would never have expected.


A common-day question lately; are people’s lives as perfect as they appear on the social media outlets we all have at our disposal? And do those standards push people to examine their own lives under too strong of a microscope?


Kate is a perfectionist and not having complete control over the outcomes in her life seems unacceptable. She wants to turn back time and design a new path. Her best friends, Liam and Jules get wrapped up in the chaos as Kate uses her newly found power to alter their destinies as well.


An age-old conundrum – if you could go back and change things in your life, would you? And what consequences would come from those changes? Fenton and Steinke take a very modern view of those questions in this funny, yet heart-warming and touching novel.


This was the perfect vacation read for me – I loved it! We’ve all been there at some point and we can all relate to the way social media has changed the way we look at others’ lives and subsequently how we look at our own.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

The Lake Season by Hannah McKinnon

The Lake Season - Hannah Roberts McKinnon

Title: The Lake Season
Author: Hannah McKinnon
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Publisher: Emily Bestler Books
Publication Date: June 2, 2015
Format: egalley via Edelweiss




My rating: 5 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you, Simon & Schuster via Edelweiss for providing me with an early copy of this book!


The only thing I didn’t like about this book is how badly it made me want to escape to a similar location and just “be”!


Iris’s husband, Paul, drops a bombshell that leaves her unsure of not only how they got where they are, but how to move forward. In an attempt to find some answers for herself, Iris escapes (sans kids and husband) to New Hampshire with her parents. Through chaotic and mysterious wedding planning events for her sister, Leah, manual labor with an old classmate, and some serious BFF intervention, Iris finds exactly what she’s looking for, and more.


McKinnon built a beautiful and affecting setting, making it so easy to get sucked into the easy going atmosphere of being at the lake for the summer.  Readers have no choice but to feel laid back and ready for summer when reading this one.


My affinity for sister stories can never be diminished (or really any sibling story) and this one is so great. McKinnon brings readers the ups and downs – the joy and the hassle; the fun and the rivalry. Likewise, she brings us the parental side too; showing us that parenting two very different children comes with its struggles as well.


Now, the lake and the laid-back summer feel isn’t all that this book brings. McKinnon writes some serious drama here. Iris has several relationships to explore and McKinnon does a fabulous job of showing a well-rounded view of how the character sees those relationships and how she cycles through different levels of understanding and even decision. As an author, she’s done a great job of giving the relationships and the issues at hand a face, a name, and a reality. Life isn’t easy. Life is sometimes ugly. Home isn’t always comfortable. Home isn’t always a safe place to fall. Home isn’t always the location you thought it might be. However, as Iris’s father teaches her, there’s more than one road leading home.


Renewal, forgiveness, and self-discovery are all wrapped up in this touching tale. I look forward to reading many more stories by McKinnon.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.


Things You Won't Say by Sarah Pekkanen

Things You Won't Say: A Novel - Sarah Pekkanen

Title: Things You Won’t Say

Author: Sarah Pekkanen

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Publisher: Washington Square Press

Publication Date: May 26, 2015

Format: egalley via Edelweiss




My rating: 5 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you Simon & Schuster via Edelweiss for providing me with an early copy of this book!


WOW, just wow! Sarah Pekkanen is such an amazing writer and I adore her characters, along with the relationships she creates. Things You Won’t Say is her latest and now my favorite of all her novels (though it is very hard to choose a favorite).


The main storyline here is beyond relevant in today’s world – cops vs civilians. Pekkanen explores the side that we don’t see in the media; the side that suffers equally in the aftermath of all the chaos. She takes us deep into the lives of the cops and their families who deal with the opposite side of the tragedies we see played out on the nightly news.


Jamie and Mike seemingly have a rock solid relationship within their white picket fence. Christie and Mike have seemingly built the perfect non-marital relationship after an unplanned pregnancy. Lou and Jamie have, to the outside onlooker, moved on after their mother’s untimely death. Together, the entire crew have what appears to be a ripple-free dynamic. Yet, what happens when they’re thrust into everyone’s worst nightmare? After two shootings rock the world they’re all living in?


I’ve read some reviews and seen some talk revolving around how unlikable all the characters are in the novel. In this story, it isn’t necessarily about having likable or even relatable characters. Because really, how many of us reading the novel have been through a situation similar enough that we could even hope to relate. That isn’t what this story is about. Situations like the one Pekkanen has written about don’t tend to bring out the best in people. People just trying to survive and make it through. She wrote REAL people – not perfect, happily ever after people. I, for one, would have been highly disappointed had she written her characters in that manner.


Additionally, and as always, Pekkanen’s writing is on point – her words flow off the page, creating a world that is hard to believe isn’t real. I felt I was walking through the story even when I wasn’t reading the book – reality and fiction indeed became intertwined! I actually woke up this morning thinking I needed to call Jamie and check on her (I’m NOT kidding)!


A relevant story with authentic characters and rich writing. A heart-pounding plot with tender as well as tragic undertones. Things You Won’t Say offers readers a story they likely won’t forget.


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.

RELEASE DAY - Compulsive by Lia Fairchild!!

It’s release day for Compulsive by Lia Fairchild! I am so excited to be sharing this new contemporary romance with you. To celebrate the release, Lia is giving away a gift card and sharing an exclusive excerpt with us!



Compulsive RDL Banner


Compulsive (Liar, Book 1):

From Bestselling author, Lia Fairchild.

Lies hurt. Lies destroy. But some lies protect…and heal. At least that’s what Gray Donovan had hoped for. She’s a compulsive liar using it as a defense mechanism to survive life and her shattered past When she starts seeing therapist Daniel Harrison, she can no longer deny the truths that have haunted her for so many years. She must now stand and face them. Opening up to Daniel leaves her exposed and vulnerable. When her soul is bared to him, she can’t contain the attraction or the feelings he elicits. Daniel feels drawn to his new patient, but knows he will have to fight it in order to resurrect Gray from her demons. His will and his judgment are tested when he must overcome his own doubts and face his own secrets.

Buy Links: Kindle | Paperback | Nook | Barnes and Noble Paperback

Advance Praise for Compulsive: 

“Fairchild spins an emotional story that is saturated in sex appeal.”

“What a beautiful, beautiful story!”

“OMG! I honestly loved this just like every book I've read by this talented Indie author!”

“I was flipping pages like a maniac trying to figure out what in the heck was going on and what Gray was hiding.”

“This is my third book by this author and it won't be my last!”






Exclusive Excerpt:


The ridges on the stark white ceiling blurred from my intense stare as I listened to the steady even breaths coming from the body next to me. He wasn’t a bad guy. Just an idiot. Maybe even married for all I knew. The clock read four twenty-three. That wouldn’t work for me. I waited for a nice round even number. Something that felt right. I held my phone with the message typed out:


I need you.


I keyed in the address, and when the clock hit four thirty, I hit Send.


At ten before five AM, I eased my body out of the bed the way a mother slips from her sleeping child, hoping not to rouse her angel. He stirred a moment and turned on his side, his arm involuntarily reaching for me. “Sky,” he murmured with his eyes closed. His dark buzz cut hair was sprinkled with gray flecks, and a small rectangular scar bordered the hairline on the right side of his face. I hadn’t noticed that the night before, or I would have asked him. Now my curiosity had me pausing, conjuring up various scenarios for its origin. Whatever the cause would forever remain a mystery. With a gentle hold around his wrist, I lifted his hand and rested it on the comforter. His eyes flitted open and closed. Frozen, I waited to see if he’d wake. I didn’t worry about coming up with a story. It always came. Still sitting on the edge of the bed, I reached over to an adjacent chair to snag my black silk shirt. When I pulled it over my head and then glanced down, two light blue eyes met mine. “Hey, you,” he whispered. His soft, sweet smile almost made a dent, but I pulled my hand away. “I’ve got to run.” Surprise and confusion colored his face. “What time is it?” “Around five. I’ve got early rounds.” He seemed satisfied with my excuse and looked thoughtful. “Ah, yes, Dr. Phillips. Time to save lives.” I gave him a nod and a tight smile just before a knock at the door sounded. I rose from the bed to pull on my skirt and slip my feet into my heels. He sat up watching me closely like a cat that’d dart out of an open door. “Who could that be at this time?” he said. “My ride,” I threw over my shoulder. I scooped up my purse from the dresser on the way out, catching his face in the mirror. They always had that same look the next day. Or perhaps I was the one who saw things differently. I heard him jump out of bed and scramble for his pants as I made my way to the living room, picking up my pace. “Sky, wait.” When I reached the door, he came in and leaned against the couch, folding his arms. “I could have driven you home.” “It’s okay,” I said, pulling the door open. Nathan stood in the doorway, hands stretched out to the jams on each side, his brown hair ragged from being dragged from the comfort of his bed. He shot me that look that said,


you owe me


and then let one hand fall and sweep to the side as if making a path for royalty. “Wait,” a voice came from behind me. “Who’s this guy?” Nathan took a step into the doorway. “Oh, hey, man.” “John, this is my cousin, Nathan,” I said. Unfortunately, Nathan had spoken at the same time I did and said, “I’m her neighbor.” John walked over to the two of us, eyes darting between me and my partner in crime. “Well, which is it?” Nathan and I exchanged looks, and I opened my mouth to speak. John held up his hand. “No. Let me guess,” he said in a sarcastic tone. “He’s your cousin who lives next door.” I half-shrugged while looking him dead in the eye. “I really should get going.” A split second later, I plastered on a smile. “I’ll call you.” “You haven’t given me much choice,” he said to my back as I sidled past Nathan. “I don’t even have your number.” I’d be willing to bet John wouldn’t be holding his breath.


About Lia Fairchild:





Bestselling author, Lia Fairchild, is both a traditionally published and independent author who writes women's fiction, romance, and chick lit. Fans of her books praise her endearing, real characters who come to life in stories that will touch your heart. Fairchild is addicted to the warmth of Southern California and holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and a multiple-subject teaching credential. She is a wife and mother of two teenagers. Look for updates on her and her books at




or follow her on Twitter at



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Lost and Found by Jeff LaFerney

Lost and Found - Jeff LaFerney

Title: Lost and Found

Author: Jeff LaFerney

Genre: Mystery

Publisher: Tower Publications

Publication Date: April 28, 2015

Format: Digital ARC from author




My rating: 5 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Nazi-era history, hidden treasure, puzzles, and an intriguing mystery – it is all entwined in this new novel by Jeff LaFerney and I loved it!


As if the fun mystery with all the interwoven puzzles and riddles wasn’t enough, LaFerney gives readers some of the most endearing and fun to follow characters – Blake and Julia (not to mention Grandpa Bloom who is just awesome). Really, the lovable characters extend to most of those in the story and the ones that aren’t lovable, aren’t supposed to be lovable so it all works out!


The historical accuracy was something I appreciated. History has always been something I’ve struggled with – I often get bored and my mind wanders. When an author comes along and is able to weave historically accurate events, people, and dates into a story, I find it engaging and interesting enough that I can hold onto those details long after the story is over! LaFerney even outlines fact vs. fiction in a special section at the end of the book.


While we’re talking about accuracy, I should mention that LaFerney renders plenty of accuracy outside the historical details in Lost and Found. While reading scenes with Grandpa Bloom, I was given glimpses of life with my own grandmother and later an aunt who both suffered from forms of dementia.


If you’re looking for a mystery that is both light and exciting. As well as a read that is quick, yet completely full of detail, look no further. Pick this one up and settle in for the ride!


I was provided with an ARC of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.


American Sniper by Chris Kyle

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History - Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen, Jim DeFelice, John Pruden

Done - made it maybe half and I'm done. Poorly written and Kyle isn't at all who I had hoped or thought he was. Not a fan and I don't recommend it - I'll leave it at that.

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell

Title: Eleanor & Park

Author: Rainbow Rowell

Genre: Young Adult

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publication Date: February 26, 2013

Format: Kindle Edition Ebook




My rating: 5 of 5 stars


My review (as published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Oh, Rainbow Rowel! How I do love you. I love your stories. I love your writing. I love…LOVE…your characters.


I ached for Eleanor the second I met her, and yet, I also applauded her. Strong yet vulnerable. Independent, yet scared. Awkward, yet put together.


High school years are brutal, we all know that, but they are so much more brutal for the kids fighting invisible fights. Eleanor is one of them. No one knows what she’s truly going through – no one. Not even Park knows, but he feels the undercurrent; he knows there is so much she’s not saying. And Park himself has struggles. Together they seem to gain strength against their struggles – against the world.


Rowell brings first true love into vivid light. Reminding us the thrills and fears that we felt. Reminding us that it is so easy, yet so hard all at the same time. Reminding us of the chances we’ll take just to be there. And also the courage it can give us. That courage takes both Eleanor and Park to places they didn’t see themselves going – shows them who they really are, both with and without each other.


This story made me laugh and it made me cry (tears streaming down my cheeks on more than one occasion). Rowell picks you up in the first sentence, and she sets you down in the book’s world where you’ll stay until the end. Then you’re abruptly shoved back into reality and oh how difficult that transition is!