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Read, Run, Ramble

I'm just a girl on a mission - a mission to read many books, run (walk) many miles and ramble about it all! 


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After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

After I Do - Taylor Jenkins Reid

After I Do

Title: After I Do 

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid 

Genre: Women’s Fiction 

Publisher: Atria Books 

Publication Date: July 1, 2014 

Format: egalley via Netgalley 





Synopsis (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18775359-after-i-do


My rating: 5 of 5 stars


My review (published at Read, Run, Ramble):


Thank you Atria Books via Netgalley for providing me with an early copy of this book! 

Taylor Jenkins Reid is AMAZING! After I Do is her second novel and I am a total fan. The writing in this book is poetic – just beautiful. Her words flow over the page and right into your heart and mind. And let me tell you what – she can write a relationship like no one else. She’s captured romantic interest, sisterly love, mother/daughter bond, brother/sister devotion, and even best friend loyalty all in one book, and she’s done it perfectly!! This comforting tale could be a marriage how-to book with how well it is written.

Lauren and Ryan meet at 19 and are together still 11 years later. Their marriage isn't what either thinks it should be and they find that they really can’t stand each other anymore. The couple’s journey will sound familiar to any reader who’s been in a serious relationship for a long time. Things that were once cute are anything but after living with them for a decade or more!

After deciding that a yearlong break is the answer, Lauren and Ryan divide up their belongings and set out to live a year without each other. No phone calls, visits, nothing – separated for a year. Readers follow the story via Lauren’s point of view, but Jenkins Reid creatively found a way of providing Ryan’s to readers as well (without really switching POVs). The two learn a lot about themselves and their relationship, and Lauren spends her year really connecting with family and developing those outside relationships that maybe went a little neglected at times while she was with Ryan. One of the more touching and profound relationships is the one with her grandmother who is very set in her ways and also is convinced she has Cancer though no one in the family is sure she really does. Readers will crack up at grandma – she is a TRIP!

In closing – PICK UP THIS BOOK!

I was provided with an ARC of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am not compensated for any of my reviews.